Thursday, February 23, 2006

Bird flu Before & After

Latest Terrorist Threat


Keshi said...

lol hahaha and I heard abt Killer rabbits too...that Saddam Hussein was breeding em..for real!


Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

I got this in mail too...

damn I Was planning to post it on ma blog :(

Rupa (BNB) said...

@Jigal U won Gold hehehe

Secrecy cannot be disclosed hehehe(Just kidding)

My friends send all these pics

Rupa (BNB) said...

@Keshi Killar Rabbit hehehe.

Veerappan breeded killer elephant. One day elephant got erked with veerappan & killed him hehehe just kidding

Rupa (BNB) said...

@ Zoonie he he he

Now I understand why wise people say kal ka kaam aaj kar, aaj ka abhi.

Sorry dude, but u can still post it. hehehe u have to pay the royalty to me

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Lemme know how u want royalty...

I'm ready to pay it in any form you want.....I literally mean it..."ANY" form :)

I badly need a weekend :D

junat said...

well i have an interesting thought to add. isnt it strange that such a prblem has arisen in a land where people were traditionally all vegetarianism and from vegetarianism has actually spread.

Rupa (BNB) said...

@ArZOOn:-- ha ha Weekend Royalty.

Rupa (BNB) said...

it is not strange, it is the way life to be.

budhism was founded in India, but how many budhist exist in India.

hockey was originated in India, but we endorse Cricket.

things actually are originated to export ha ha ha

Keshi said...

lol @veerappan hahahaha!


Devilish Angel said...


Jackal said...

funny but

PuNeEt said...

first one I had seen ;-)
second was too good ;-)


Rupa (BNB) said...

@Keshi :) smilz

Rupa (BNB) said...

@Vanati :) ha ah

Rupa (BNB) said...

@Jackal :) smilz

Rupa (BNB) said...

@Pinki he he he Good idea, I will present Zoonie truckful of birds when I meet him on week end.

@ Puneet:- Cheers baby