Monday, February 13, 2006

Recipe for Charcomlete for Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day

Wish you all happy Valentine's day. Let everyone be stuck with the Cupid arrow. Everyone have a valentine special post. Lemmi post a valentine special recipe.

Main ingredient
Dove egg 2
onions 2
tomoto 2
pepper & salt
Boy friend

Put on the music.Take a heart shaped bowl, beat the egg add chopped onion,tomotoes, chilly, salt, pepper.light the stove. Butter the frying pan. Pour the egg preparation on the pan. Start romancing with ur boyfriend for an hour. After an hour charcomlete (charcoal + omlete) is ready..
note:- Serve only to your boyfriend. he will only appriciate ur reciepe. hehehe.

Line Maro:- I dont mind dying now, I have just seen a Haven ;)


PuNeEt said...

LOLz nice receipie ;-)

Wishing you a very Happy Valentines Day...

good to see u back :-)


Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Happy Valentines Day...

Im free can I line maro on you Boldy??



I've already started..dont mind okie :D

Rupa (BNB) said...

@Puneet hahaha

Thank you & wish u the same :)

Rupa (BNB) said...

@Zoonie Happy Val's day to u too..

Im free today... hehehe Other day you are charged or what

how is it going on? what's the plan?

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

No plans...
Im f*king bored in office...
Had plans to watch some movie late night...but think its gonna get cancelled too :(

Wtch u doing??