Keshi this I am posting in response to your post Looking for Janice.... I din't want my comment to get lost in midst.
Currently I am in Mumbai. If you provide me a little data as her(Janice's) real name & the area she used to live as Andheri or thana etc.etc I will try my best to contact the nursing home in that locality to find out the details.
Try & recollect if she had ever told you about her gynecologist name.
Dont worry in mumbai there is a best medical facility.May be she is happy changing the Nappy. With all my heart I wish this for unknown soul.
When ever I am unable reach my loved one's I wish why dont I have a remote to get signal that they are safe.
Gal, ur post made me cry :(
BnB I luv ya and HUGGGGGGGGGGZ! Goshhh this shows how much of a beautiful soul u r! U took the time n effort to look out for Janice...thats so appreciated and I wont ever forget what u have made me feel today...immense love for a girl u didnt even know...u r sooo special BnB! Thanks!
She's from Maharashtra...ask Saby more abt her cos she speaks abt Mulunds all the time..I dunno what that is...also she lived in the US last time I spoke to her. But her mum and bro lives in Mumbai still...her dad died when she was young, just like my dad...she is a Christian by faith...her online name was Janice and her husband was Chris...thats all I know unfortunately...
Thanks so much for this girl! I hope someone will come with news soon...
there's a pic of her's I received from Saby, in my latest post update.
Very nice post for Keshi... you are wonderful... JD
BnB d u live anywhere close to Mulund?
Not close, but I will try my best to enquire. She was due in dec right?
After reading Harish comment I am unable to think.
I tried calling up some nursing home number the response was negative. Where ever I called?
Some where not parting with the information.
I called up Muncipality also. This is so tough to enquire. I disconnected the phone because I could not resist.
hey Thanks BnB!
However she was upposed to delive in the US..and her due month was Dec '05...
according to that anony guy she went to Nes Ratnam College in Mulund...
May be she delivered in US.
About Nes Ratnam college I will enquire from my mulund friend. She is in UK now. In afternoon she will come online or I will call her during my second half.
thanks BnB...u r so helpful, I'm forever grateful for this!
@ Susubala :) I am not Ashish
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